Nine 21st Century Capabilities have been developed to capture skills for future jobs across all industry sectors and applicable internationally. The evidence that underpins these capabilities is from researching and analysing workforce demand with employers and industry, entrepreneurs and startups, regions and countries.
- Adaptability and Emotional Management
- You are inspired and motivated
- You are comfortable with adapting to changing situations
- You apply life-hacking skills to increase productivity and efficiency
- You have the courage to be vulnerable
- You are able to manage uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure
- You achieve success transforming your life and career
- Communication and Influence
- You collaborate and network with others
- You build relationships and trust, both face to face and virtually, that are worldwide and potentially viral
- You understand the important skills of sales and marketing to build a personal brand and engage connections through invisible influence
- You support social democracy, cohesion and participation
- You are able to hustle, pitch and present well to get their ideas across and influence local and global audiences
- Digital and Social
- You use automation, including Artificial Intelligence, to enhance business processes, efficiencies, systems, tasks, technologies, jobs and work
- You manage digital identities and diplomacy, responsibility and risk in media messaging and online interactions
- You utilise social messaging and media tools to engage with networks, partners and supporters
- Cultural and Global
- You are globally aware, participating as a global citizen and are integrated into global communities
- You understand cultural settings and leverage reach to local and worldwide connections
- You appreciate the integration of the digital, physical, social and cultural environments with an appreciation of difference
- Purpose and Vision
- You develop an aligned purpose and future orientated vision of the world based upon scenario forecasting and an evidence based approach
- You apply breakthrough innovation, rather than only incremental innovation, to propel yourself to the next level and keep you ahead for years to come
- Learning and Mastery
- You apply multiple learning methods including micro, process, problem and team-based learning, machine, virtual and robot learning
- You can utilise and analyse data, making judgments that are evidence based and transformational
- You can work autonomously to build businesses and provide value to clients, stakeholders and networks
- You have knowledge and skills that allows you to do, use and understand a domain very well to mastery level
- Intelligence and Imagination
- You work with artificial and coded intelligence in a way that adds value to the inquiry
- You apply your imagination and creativity, to invention and sense making
- You manage cognitive load to identify priorities, delegate and remain in control
- 21st Century STEM and Entrepreneurship
- You understand and can apply new discovery technologies to careers, problems and work. New discovery technologies including Augmented Reality, Blockchain and Fintech, Drones, esports, Health Med and Bio Tech, Human and Computer Interaction/Integration, Food, Gaming, Hardware, UI, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Music and Audio, 3D-Printing, User Interface, Virtual Reality and Wearable Tech.
- You can identify the STEM in job roles, tasks and scenarios
- You are able to explore entrepreneurial business ideas, intrapreneurship (being an entrepreneur for your employer), and social innovation applying lean startup methodologies
- Career and Workforce
- You can plan, develop and switch careers with evidence of 21st Century Capabilities for future jobs understanding workforce requirements and demand
- You can create a career blueprint, activate networks, develop a roadmap, identify experience opportunities and education requirements as well as remove roadblocks
- You use innovative approaches to seek out opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, social innovation, coaching, mentoring and development locally and globally
Future of Jobs, Skills and Work experiences can be designed to develop 21st Century Capabilities tailored to meet your specific needs and outcomes.
NB. Please note that the 21st Century Capability framework is copyrighted to Workforce BluePrint and Career BluePrint (2016-23) and may not be used without permission, thank you.
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