Future of Jobs, Skills and Work Keynote webinar or face to face (1 hour)


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Explore where future jobs and workforce demand is headed, from the perspective of employers and industry, in Australia and internationally. Business models, enterprises and whole industry sectors are being reshaped, together with how we work, posing real challenges for proactive responses by education, employment, government and human resource management.

Delete old information and paradigms about labour and skills shortages, gain a local, national and international perspective of workforce issues and gaps, and raise your understanding of what employers and industry are looking for including 21st Century Capabilities.

Put yourself at the forefront of thinking and research on the future of work, form new connections across the global ecosystem, and share your experience and knowledge on changes in jobs, skills and workplaces.

Join in discussion on how Industry 4.0 and new discovery technologies will impact on education, jobs, skills and Workforce 4.0 requirements which VET/TVET 4.0 must be founded on.

Leaders from Business, Government and Industry; Educators from Adult Community Education (ACE), Higher Education, International Education, Schools and VET/TVET; Practitioners from Economic Development, Employment Services, Human Resources, Learning and Development, Workforce Planning and Workforce Development are the ideal audience for this keynote presentation.

Take-home messages are that changes in jobs related to automation will be far more nuanced than many predict, human skills and ‘humanness’ will become even more important, every job will be augmented in some way, shape or form by new discovery technologies, skills needed for future jobs will be deep and broad with many ‘mashups’ of industry skills.  Instead of asking what do you want to be when you grow up of students and young people, ask what problems do you want to solve, what impact do you want to have, what do you want to change in the world?

This event can be run in Australian capital cities, regional locations and/or online so if you’d like to gain this insight then please email wendy@workforceblueprint.com.au.


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