How to Build Your Network and Profile on LinkedIn webinar or face to face (1 hour)


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Networking is the thing that many of you rely upon for collaboration and customers, events and projects, sales and work.

Whilst you may not be able to meet new people for a while like you did in the past, the more you network online then the more powerful it becomes, generating positivity and support.

Making connections with people you know, to people you want to know around the world, is why LinkedIn should be key to your professional networking.

With 30 000 connections, 29 500+ followers and 15 000+ members in groups, you’ll learn the techniques that Wendy Perry, Managing Director, Workforce BluePrint and Entrepreneurship Facilitator, Switch Start Scale, uses to build her global network, gaining introductions to leaders and VIPs, offers of work and speaking gigs all over the world.


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