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Product Description

Are you keen to build upon your relationships with employers and industry? Would you like to ensure that your staff are comfortable and confident to uncover all sorts of workforce needs and opportunities?

Your team may face the following challenges when working with industry/employers including:

  • Uncertainty as to how to approach industry, make initial contact and build relationships;
  • Increased competition in your industry area or region;
  • Maybe they don’t see it as part of their role; or
  • Perhaps they are busy with other tasks related to their job

Flexible ways to build upon existing workforce data and information with a choice of evidence collection methodologies for workforce planning and development that maximises engagement including data analysis, working groups, interviews, focus groups, work based learning projects and surveying.

Specific professional development aims addressed by the ENGAGE program are:

  • Building capability to work effectively with business, industry and employers;
  • Developing ability to identify workforce development needs, priorities and potential solutions;
  • Understanding the importance of promoting business and productivity benefits from training programs;
  • Developing skills in effective networking, targeting and stakeholder engagement; and
  • Potential team project – create action items/plan to engage with industry.

Thank you again for last Friday’s workshop. I gained a lot from attending and it certainly started the wheels in my head turning in regards to 1) how I/we talk with industry, and 2) business opportunities. In a few weeks’ time we are hosting an Industry Reference Group and I’m sure the night will be more of a success after my time with you. Scott – participant

A sincere thank you for the day and additional extras I am very glad I attended and reconnected with you, cemented some current practices and gained tips for thoughtful strategy into the future. I have already shared some of your ideas with my colleagues and will cover the workshop at our next sales meeting. I’m sure you would also agree that meeting up with other RTOs gives fresh perspectives and invigorates the roles that we are currently focused on. One of my favourites for the day -The finale, a unique use of a simple tool – Speed thinking what a hit and a great way to end the day. Julie – participant

Duration: 1 day or coaching over 2 weeks

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Please feel free to reach out and get in touch to explore what support you might need for your plan or project – you are welcome to join the Australian VET LeadersFuture of Jobs, Skills and Work, and IVETA LinkedIn groups plus connect with Wendy Perry on LinkedIn.

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