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Product Description
Providing products and services in workforce planning, capability development and Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)/VET for international clients, governments and projects including:
- Advisory and consultancy services – professional development, short course programs, study tours and fellowships.
- Analysis of training needs – provision of short courses and custom designed training programs aligned with international best practice TVET delivery.
- Conference key notes and presentations
- Curriculum research, development and evaluation – design, development and provision of education and training curriculum and learning materials; development of high quality competency based curricula to meet the needs of industry and the community; quantitative and qualitative program evaluation.
- Delegation hosting and tours of Australian best practice including entrepreneurship, industry development, job creation, youth engagement, workforce planning and development in action.
- Educational strategies and frameworks – planning, design and coordination of the development of Vocational Education and Training delivery models in line with government, industry and community priorities; training needs analysis, strategic planning and advice to institutes, national industry skills councils and government agencies.
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and industry development, building global connections and partnerships.
- Product development – capability frameworks and training needs analysis; provision of workplace assessment and training.
Expanding internationally may have been in you plan for a number of years now, emerging as an opportunity to grow and diversify. You may be keen to gain insight into potential opportunities by conducting action research and analysing information and evidence.
Helping you to:
- consider international opportunities including strategic links to UN Sustainable Development Goals, regions/countries goals and identify hot spots of possible market demand;
- scope out potential products and changes that may need to be made for different TVET systems and countries;
- ensure online presence including social media and all marketing materials include necessary information and appeal to a global audience; and
- validate existing products and prioritise new product development matched to international demand.
A TVET/VET opportunities action plan and presentation includes:
- Desk top review covering specific regions and countries, existing evidence, customer info, marketing, website, social media.
- External scan for learning and development opportunities internationally.
- Product review and identification of specific products that fit relevant markets considering resources
- Sharing of research and recommendations – validation with your team.
- Draft recommendations, presentation and action plan, feedback and finalisation of outputs.
Regions can include:
- Eastern and Western Africa
- Southern Africa
- Eastern Europe and Central Asia
- Latin America and Caribbean
- Middle East and North Africa
- South Asia
- East Asia and the Pacific
- Europe
- North America
Examples of international programs and programs include, building capacity of TVET Authority and its partners within the Ministry Education to develop a holistic and inclusive workforce development plan, mainly to address high unemployment in the Maldives, low level of skills, and high dependency on expatriate skills supply.
Speaking alongside the President of Fiji, Wendy presented on The Key to Employer and Industry TVET partnerships, with 38 countries represented at the World TVET Conference in Suva, Fiji.
Head Workforce Planner, Wendy Perry delivered a key note address at the World TVET Conference in Sarawak, Malaysia on Innovation through Partnerships and Collaboration in TVET.
At the conference there were 1000+ delegates from 28 different countries that Workforce BluePrint team members connected and they met colleagues from the Singapore Workforce Development Agency in Singapore regarding Adult Educators professionalism.
Strengthening Governance through Building Capacity in Workforce Planning and Development was the topic of a 6 week program for a delegation of leaders from Bhutan, co-facilitated by Workforce BluePrint and QUT. The delegates were hosted in Canberra, Adelaide, Mildura, Robinvale, Melbourne and Brisbane with a comprehensive applied learning experience including Australian VET Policy Framework and Government Context, Workforce Planning and Development in Action. This resulted in the development of a TVET Blueprint and National Workforce Plan for Bhutan.
Together with partner QUT, an assignment for the Ministry of Education in Maldives and the Ministry of Labour in Bhutan (in country) included:
- Implementing National Apprenticeship Framework
- Strengthening Industry-Institute Linkages and Mentoring Program at Schools and Institutes
- Workforce Development and Planning
The following topics were covered:
- Presentation of working models of partnerships
- Apprenticeships in workforce development
- National TVET leadership and agencies
- Industry, TVET in schools, regional, school based apprenticeships, self-employment, small business, social enterprise models, operational issues and case studies
- Mentoring programs for youth and workforce development
- Workforce planning and development for industry sectors and the country
- Development of workforce action plan
- Advice on Bhutan’s National Human Resource Development Roadmap
This involved the customisation of the presentation with practical examples, facilitation, engagement and evidence collection for action planning purposes, meeting with Ministers and key stakeholders, model and case study presentation highlighting good practice, advice on TVET, workforce planning and development.
Please contact Wendy Perry via or +61 416 150 491, thank you.
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Please feel free to reach out and get in touch to explore what support you might need for your plan or project – you are welcome to join the Australian VET Leaders, Future of Jobs, Skills and Work, and IVETA LinkedIn groups plus connect with Wendy Perry on LinkedIn.