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Product Description
You already know your workforce has a huge impact on your profitability and like any other asset and point of difference in your business – you want to make sure they healthy. supported and achieve outcomes.
When your team has got your back and they have yours then your business prosper, ultimately creating opportunities in terms of connections, employment and sales. So if you want to:
- Gain a competitive edge as an employer
- Improve profitability & boost your bottom line
- Increase the return of your HR investment
- Maximise employee retention & engagement, particularly where people are remote working
- Stop productivity leaks in your business & reduce employee turnover
Participate in a practical workshop facilitated by leading workforce planners and developers.
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Please feel free to reach out and get in touch to explore what support you might need for your plan or project – you are welcome to join the Australian VET Leaders, Future of Jobs, Skills and Work, and IVETA LinkedIn groups plus connect with Wendy Perry on LinkedIn.