VET 4.0
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Product Description
VET 4.0
VET/TVET has an invitation to lead the development of 21st Century workforces to meet Industry/Industrie 4.0 requirements, demonstration relevance and innovation. Beyond manufacturing, Industry 4.0 has an impact on all areas of the economy and industry sectors regardless of the country or region.
Transformation of future jobs via the application of smart new discovery technologies, testlabs and experimentation, business models and disruption, will inform Workforce 4.0 skills and set the challenge for countries to reinvent World-class VET/TVET systems.
But who is on the cutting edge of this revolution and what can be utilised for practical application in your work? How will education manage to leap ahead to addresses Workforce 4.0 capabilities? What are the emerging frameworks and models for skills development?
Learn about initiatives from the EU to Asia Pacific to meet the changing needs of Industry 4.0, as well as specific commitments by leaders in Africa, Australia, Germany, Malaysia, China, India and the Basque Country in Spain. This will include the full picture for Industry 4.0 and rapid uptake, answering questions such as what is happening across the sectors, in other sectors, locally, nationally and internationally, and in the labour/skills market?
Understand what a VET/TVET 4.0 World-class VET system looks like including providers and capabilities needed by 21st Century VET/TVET Leaders and Practitioners for teaching, learning and assessment. Explore emerging frameworks and models for skills development, teaching, learning and assessment practices, and how to meet the changing needs of Industry 4.0.
Please contact Wendy Perry via or +61 416 150 491, thank you.
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