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Product Description
Workforce BluePrint uses a proven innovative workforce planning and development methodology that is clear, simple and systematised which can be applied at an enterprise, industry, region and/or country level. This systems approach, developed after many projects in Australia and overseas, aiming to better match workforce demand, supply and training provider provision is called TAKE ACTION. The following table outlines the parts in the TAKE ACTION system that are worked through in a logical order and the high level actions that occurs at each step.
System Actions
The full picture
Begin with the problem – why do you need a workforce plan?
Collect all existing evidence, information, reports and research
Understand current context, processes, scope, systems and timeframes as well as impacts on the workforce– global, national, industry based and regional including economic development priorities at national and divisional levels.
At this time (current workforce)
Analysis of current workforce profile – critical job roles and capabilities
Identify current workforce issues and gaps
Know what you want (future workforce)
Flip the problem into a preferred future workforce scenario using this 8 step approach with stakeholders:
- The scenario question – Part of this stage involves picking a year from which the scenarios will look back. How long a time frame do we care about?
- The proximate environment – depict the environment in which the decision will be made i.e. how far into the future is the scenario?
- Driving forces – consider the economy, industry sectors, labour market and regional needs
- Judging importance and uncertainty – For each driving force, we ask three questions: Is it predetermined (unchanging)? How uncertain are we about our ability to predict its importance into the future? Is this particular driving force among the most important drivers of the future — will it make a difference that makes a difference?
- Composing the stories – A major rule: check continually to make sure that none of these stories are redundant with each other—that they truly represent different ways that the future might unfold.
- Sub-groups and Reality Checks – They always ask: Is the internal plot logical? Can we really get from point A in the plot to point B, C, D, or E? What plausible chain of events, actions, and counter reactions could lead to this future? What kind of economy is consistent with this scenario? What political reactions would have to take place to make it plausible?
- Implications – what are they for each scenario and on different stakeholders?
- Strategic Visions and Oracles – We have set the scenarios up as competing oracles. It is important to know which oracle is closest to the actual course of history as it actually unfolds. Also ask: “What kind of world do I want to help create?”
Decide the preferred workforce scenario or vision for the workforce, critical job roles and capabilities.
Forecasting demand vs. supply for each critical job role may be appropriate.
Evaluate the gaps
When comparing what we have at this time and knowing what we want into the future, identify all the gaps and issues including critical job roles and capabilities.
Address the gaps (workforce development strategies)
Theme and/or cluster the gaps and issues, prioritise and/or risk rate them, summarise key findings
Populate the Workforce Action Plan with workforce development strategies covering analysis and planning of skill demand (with critical job roles and capabilities) to improve the match and implications for investment
Co-design solutions (with stakeholders)
To achieve results and using an action-plan model for implementation:
- Demand-driven attraction and recruitment, retention and skill development strategies, succession planning and transition
- Inclusion strategy for a diverse workforce
- Identify requirements for VET providers and system change with demand-driven priorities
Timelines and targets
Agree timelines for the implementation of Workforce Action Plan
Inspire (for implementation)
With the implementation of the Workforce Action Plan, co-design of the solutions with industry, employers, employees, training providers, and government.
Ongoing review
Progress on implementation and the achievement of outcomes and outputs for the Workforce Action Plan will require ongoing review with a governance structure involving stakeholders. This includes monitoring of any scenarios that may not be preferred with any early warning signs and managing accountabilities.
Next workforce (next plan)
An iterative, dynamic approach will enable participants to move beyond the gap of the current and future workforce, to the next workforce say 5, 10 or 15 years out. This could provide an opportunity to develop 21st Century capabilities understanding where career and job opportunities will be across employment and entrepreneurship, the country/region and globally.
For a quote on a workforce plan please email, thank you.
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Please feel free to reach out and get in touch to explore what support you might need for your plan or project – you are welcome to join the Australian VET Leaders, Future of Jobs, Skills and Work, and IVETA LinkedIn groups plus connect with Wendy Perry on LinkedIn.