As many countries and regions face challenges of addressing unemployment, creating new jobs, encouraging engagement, and better matching VET provision to employer and industry needs, entrepreneurship must be a core capability and policy consideration. Perhaps positioned as developing an entrepreneurial mindset, this can be applied to exploring your own business and ideas, being an entrepreneur for your employer (intrapreneurship), or working on social innovations.
Entrepreneurship is one of the 21st Century Capabilities, alongside a number of other skills required for future jobs and sustainable careers. Who is doing this well, where are the best practice examples, what is possible, and how does this work for VET policy, systems, teaching and learning practice, and products? Explore what is working well now, and where you might take this into the future, using a lean startup methodology with discussion on opportunities for women, people with disabilities, young people, and students across every level and industry sector.
Participants will be able to:
- Apply lean startup methodology, identifying problems and creating solutions
- Growth hack VET and Entrepreneurship programs
- Rapidly design entrepreneurial learning experiences
- Discern what entrepreneurial approaches will work for your context, country/region and goals
- Identify VET capability development opportunities
- Understand best practice in entrepreneurship and ways to support specific cohorts
As the VET and Entrepreneurship Hack is a hands-on program where the interactive elements include:
- Best practice examples from around the world
- 21st Century Capabilities
- Future Jobs
- Research, data and information on the business case for entrepreneurship
- Skills anticipation from employers and industry
- Student feedback and interests
- Application of lean startup methodology – working through the business model canvas applied to VET and Entrepreneurship
- Discussion and validation on application in your context
- Sharing of best practice examples from participants
- Stock take of VET and Entrepreneurship programs, initiatives and policies (review examples and improve upon)
- Design and development of at least one solution for VET and Entrepreneurship for your context/country/region/Registered Training Organisation/School
- Validation by peers, employers, entrepreneurs and industry with an action plan for implementation
If you would like access to this programme, first run at the United Nations headquarters in Bonn, Germany for UNESCO UNEVOC, please contact Wendy Perry via, thank you.
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