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Product Description
Delegation hosting and tours of Australian best practice including entrepreneurship, industry development, job creation, youth engagement, VET/TVET, workforce planning and development in action.
Examples of delegations that have been hosted by Workforce BluePrint and partners
- Hosting a delegation of 25 hand-picked entrepreneurs from Indonesia made for an amazing program meeting business leaders, entrepreneurs, industry heads, investors and Ministers in Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney and Canberra.
- Working alongside industry leaders from Bhutan, a program on Human Resource Development and Planning saw an intensive learning experience in Australia, followed by implementation with industry associations in Bhutan.
- Focusing on enabling the agri-business sector in Mindanao, Philippines the fellowship assisted MinDA’s implementation of the ‘Mindanao Development Corridors’ strategy in terms of ensuring inclusive development particularly to host communities, develop a framework for increasing trade competitiveness of the agri-business sector through modern and acceptable farm management and practices, sustain agri-investments through proper risk planning/management, conform to standards on product safety, and enhance trade development through effective international marketing/promotion and export strategies.
- Developing a cadre of Ecuadorian business supporters who will especially promote women’s participation in international trade through strategic sectors was the focus for Fostering Women in Trade: International Business Skills for Women in Business (Ecuador). The program seeks to strengthen the capacity of ProEcuador in providing support to Ecuadorian businesses particularly in the Creative Industries, where there is an intensive participation of women in business.
- At the request of the DTC, Workforce BluePrint met a delegation from India where the focus was on solving skilling issues on such a large scale.
- The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Women’s Leadership in Business, Trade and Economic Development, was the topic of a tour and panel for a delegation of women from Mongolia and Indonesia that Wendy Perry was asked to speak on for Flinders University in October 2015.
- Co-hosted by QUT, Workforce BluePrint spoke on economic and workforce development, entrepreneurship and innovation with a Philippines delegation.
- Strengthening Governance through Building Capacity in Workforce Planning and Development was the topic of a 6 week program for a delegation of leaders from Bhutan, co-facilitated by Workforce BluePrint and QUT. The delegates were hosted in Canberra, Adelaide, Mildura, Robinvale, Melbourne and Brisbane with a comprehensive applied learning experience including Australian VET Policy Framework and Government Context, Workforce Planning and Development in Action. This resulted in the development of a TVET Blueprint and National Workforce Plan for Bhutan.
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Please feel free to reach out and get in touch to explore what support you might need for your plan or project – you are welcome to join the Australian VET Leaders, Future of Jobs, Skills and Work, and IVETA LinkedIn groups plus connect with Wendy Perry on LinkedIn.